Poster at the IMED conference, Vienna, Austria (2014).
Anat Gesser-Edelsburg (School of Public Health, University of Haifa), Roberta Villa (Zadig) and Mitali Wroczynski (BMJ) on behalf of the TELL ME Consortium
Risk Communication. The Power of Social Media
E-Learning: how to tackle infectious disease outbreaks
Poster at the IMED conference, Vienna, Austria (2014).
Anat Gesser-Edelsburg (School of Public Health, University of Haifa), Roberta Villa (Zadig) and Mitali Wroczynski (BMJ) on behalf of the TELL ME Consortium
Transforming the dynamics of Emerging Infectious Disease (EID) communication: An innovative integrative framework
Poster at the IMED conference, Vienna, Austria (2014).
Anat Gesser-Edelsburg (School of Public Health, University of Haifa), Roberta Villa (Zadig) and Mitali Wroczynski (BMJ) on behalf of the TELL ME Consortium
La vaccinazione tra diritto e dovere
TELL ME Project (Transparent communication in Epidemics: Learning Lessons from experience, delivering effective Messages, providing Evidence)
Oral presentation at the HrpoImmune EU Info Day, Athens, Greece (2014).
Manfred S Green
New framework model for outbreak communication
Oral presentation at the 12th International Conference on Communication, Medicine & Ethics (COMET), Lugano, Switzerland (2014).
Gesser-Edelsburg, A. Walter, N. Shir-Raz, Y., Mordini, E., Dimitriou, D. & Green, M.S.
Come aumentare la consapevolezza dell’importanza della vaccinazione tra gli operatori sanitari
Oral presentation at the workshop "La promozione della vaccinazione negli operatori sanitari: National info day del progetto HProImmune", Roma, Italy (2014).
Barbara De Mei
Risk Communication The Power of Social Media
Poster at the World Conference on Disaster Management, Toronto, Canada (2014).
Mitali Wroczynski (BMJ) and Roberta Villa (Zadig) on behalf of the TELL ME Consortium